Emotional intelligence is the ability to identify and regulate one’s emotions and understand the emotions the others. EI is important for everyone who wants to be career ready.


Emotional intelligence is generally said to include a few skills: namely emotional awareness, or the ability to identify and name one’s own emotions; the ability to harness those emotions and apply them to tasks like thinking and problem solving; and the ability to manage emotions, which includes both regulating one’s own emotions when necessary and helping others to do the same.

Being emotionally intelligent enables a person to understand the impact that emotions can have on decision making, they can be objective and avoid acting in a rash way when making a decision. A person with high emotional intelligence will demonstrate a calm composure and are pragmatic in their manner.

Your ability to recognize, understand, and manage your emotions is the foundation of emotional intelligence. When it comes to making decisions, EQ skills can help you see how your emotions affect your decisions and manage them accordingly.

We all have different personalities, different wants and needs, and different ways of showing our emotions. Realizing this all takes tact and intelligence – especially if we hope to succeed in life. This is where emotional intelligence becomes important.

Daniel Goleman, an American psychologist, in his book "Emotional Intelligence - Why It Can Matter More Than IQ" 1995 enlarged five elements that define emotional intelligence:


1.     Self-Awareness – people with self-awareness understand their emotions and   they don’t let their feelings control them. They are honest and they know their weaknesses too.

2.     Self-Regulation – these people are not impulsive, think a lot before they act, and they can say no.

3.     Motivation - people with a high degree of emotional intelligence are usually motivated. They are very productive and challenge lovers.

4.     Empathy – the capacity of understanding and identifying with the needs and wants of other people. People with empathy are good at recognizing the feelings of others, even when those feelings may not be obvious.

5.     Social Skills – these people rather help others than focus on them. They are excellent communicators and know how to perfectly maintain a relationship.

 The good news is that emotional intelligence can be improved and developed.

First of all, do a self-evaluation. Have the courage to look at yourself honestly and see what are your weaknesses, it will help you more than you know. Another thing that you can do is taking responsibility for your own actions. You can apologize if you made a mistake and forgive when other people are sorry.

Keep your emotions under control when things go wrong, try to stay calm and in control when you’re in a stressful situation and don’t become upset for every small thing. Look frankly at how you think and how you are with other people. Try to put yourself in their place and be more open and accepting of their thoughts and needs.


Conclusion -

So in order to live the life you truly want to live, you have to first be clear about what you truly value because that’s where your emotional energy will be directed. And knowing what you truly value—not just what you say you value—is probably the most emotionally intelligent skill you can develop.





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